


A list of all of our major achievements

Team Automaestro debuted in “International Go-kart Championship Season 8”, organized by LPU SAE India in 2020, and aced it with quite a few remarkable achievements.


9th position

We were able to snatch a flying 9th position amongst almost 60 other talented teams participating from all around the globe.


Innovation Award

Apart from a stunning 9th position, we also managed to bag an Innovation award for designing an environment-friendly for a sustainable and robust body panel made of Jute-Glass Fiber composites.



AutoMotive Styling Award

To add to the list, we also secured the winning position in the “Automotive Styling Competition” for designing a sustainable future car for 2050.



Automotive Quiz Competition

We also managed to place first runner-up in the rather fun and informal contest event – “Automotive Quiz Competition.”